Ecogon goes ELENA

Ecogon was presented at the closing-event of the EU-funded Project „ELENA“

Beginning of October the closing-event of the international ELENA-project was held in Laufen, Bavaria in Germany. Since one of the main members of this project, the ANL, was organizing the event, Gaiagames was invited to present the board game Ecogon to all participants.

One focus was of course playing the game and showing and explaining the rules, so the people are able to lead a round of Ecogon in an educational frame.

The other task was, to share the story of Gaiagames/Ecogon. As an ecopreneur (a mixture of ecology and entrepreneur), to inspire and motivate people from all over Europe, to start green businesses.

In total the project and the event were a huge success and fun to participate.

Thanks for all the good conversations, information and the good food.

See the Ecogon page of ELENA.

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